Monday, July 26, 2010

The schoolboard must be childless!

Just as I promised, I was back in church yesterday. It was good, really good. We found a place filled with real people serving God. The brothers had mixed reviews. Some thought it was good, some thought it was just ok and one had no comment what so ever. That's to be expected. Surfer Dude really, really doesn't want to like it so even if he does, he's not going to admit it. I think the fact that he had no comment can only be seen as a good thing. More on this later.....

Today is going to be jam packed. I have to get the kids registered for the strange school system we now find ourselves living in. First, I have to take Scamp and get him registered for Kindergarten at his "base" school. There is an elementary school less than 2 miles from the house. Is that his "base" school???? Oh no! That would be entirely too easy! We get to drive 15 minutes away to a different town to find his school. The fun doesn't end there. His base school is a year round school. So, if I want him to be on the same schedule as his brothers I have to then go immediately and request a transfer to the traditional schedule school for our neighborhood, also in a different town. If we don't get the transfer approved then I have to go back to the base school and find out what "track" he will be on. It seems it's not enough to have a year round option, we have to have 4 different schedules for year round, all with different starting and ending dates and different holiday dates and everything. After I finish with Scamp, I get to do the whole thing over again with Monkey Boy for middle school! All I can say is my kids had better come out of all this a lot smarter than they are going in! Thankfully, the high school is in our town and only has one traditional schedule.

I really need to spend the day at home recovering ground lost during the weekend. It seems the movers forgot to bring the laundry fairy. I am always amazed at how much laundry can be generated in one short weekend. On the upside, I do love my new washer and dryer. The dryer has a steam setting and I may be inspired to throw my iron in the garbage.

I need to go furniture shopping as well. Yes, we did scale down to a smaller house, but I still need a couple of things. Anyone know where I can get a roll top desk for not too much money? The commander doesn't have an office space in this house and that is the solution I have come up with. That way, when his clutter takes on it's usual epic proportions I can just close the top!

Why does my cat love to sleep on my lap top? I am getting tired of having to get the hair off of it every morning before I can use it!

I'm going to put on my waders and enter the world of laundry. If I'm not out by tomorrow, send in SWAT.

Soaked in Him

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