Sunday, October 31, 2010

The icing covered woman who walks with a limp

Home alone on a Sunday morning.

Why? You ask? It's a very long story, but it involves an injured knee, a harvest festival, a house that didn't get cleaned, a game that didn't get painted, and an assortment of other jobs that didn't get finished because I'm hobbling around at 1/4 speed of my normal rate. So, I find myself here alone while the others have all gone off to Sunday service. Sometimes, Sundays are indeed a time to rest. I figure if I stay home, move slowly through the list of things still to be done and take frequent breaks to put my knee up, I just might make it through this evenings festivities without ending up on crutches.

There was a time, in the not so distant past, I would have been unable to do this. Unable, not because anyone was standing over me with a whip, but because I would have been swamped with condemnation for missing service. Yes, I do miss going. I love attending our new church, God always meets me there, but I have finally realized I won't go to hell if I miss Sunday morning. He is a good God who understands our frailties and does not condemn us for them.

My break is over now and I've really got so much to do! There will be pictures later of all the fun and excitement. If you're in the area drop on by Church Alive and squeeze your way into the cake walk. I'll be the one with icing on my face!

Soaked in His blessings,

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