Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't Hang Your Hopes on Malfunctioning Christmas Hooks

Yes, this is a new year’s/Christmas post.  Yes, I realize that it is now the end of January.  Yes, I am also aware that this fact means that I am late posting my new year’s/Christmas post.  I could weave an elaborate tale to excuse this lapse, but it’s late and I’m tired and my brain has used up all the available bandwidth for the evening, so let’s just say that, yeah, it’s late...

This is the time of year when we all reflect on the past 12 months.  In my case, I reflect on the past 12 months and breathe a sigh of relief that I managed to keep all of the creatures that insist on calling me “Mom” alive for another year.  There were no bones broken, no stitches required, no major illnesses, no major car accidents, no one was thrown out of school, arrested, or labeled a delinquent.  All in all, that adds up to a pretty good year for me. 
Most of you know that I returned to school recently to finally pursue my dream of a degree, an actual piece of paper to prove that I have a working brain in my head that does something other than keep my hair from falling out!  (come to think of it, what does that say about J??) Because of the craziness of my new schedule, (okay, you caught me! My schedule had nothing to do with it!! I’m just crazy!!) we were a little late getting the tree up this year.  We finally managed to get it up and decorated.  I use the term “we” loosely.  In years past it was a family affair, this tree decorating thing.  I would prepare an abundance of junk food and we would make a party of it.  It evolved into a tradition with the same foods being prepared every year and the boys all joining in to get the ornaments on the tree.  Now that they are older and busy with much more important things like girlfriends and video games, they still show up for the party, but now it’s only for the food.  They make a plate and disappear back upstairs or park themselves on the couch to shout instructions to those of us trying to adorn the evergreen.  This year proved no different.  The only time the older boys hung an ornament was when we ran across one they had created or one that had their name on it.  We all have special ornaments that carry special memories for us, even J. 

Many years ago, when we were a young, broke couple with a couple of kids and continuing his college education was still a dream, I bought J a Ga Tech ornament.  It was gold and black and had Buzz the bee on it.  Every year, even if he did nothing else, J would hang his Ga Tech ornament.  This year, however, I feared the tradition may come to an end.  I couldn’t find it!  I reached the bottom of the box and it was nowhere in sight.  After digging around a bit, I found it down in the corner under some packing paper.  I was so excited.  J had already gone back upstairs so I walked over to the bottom of the stairs and, holding it proudly up by it’s little metal hook, I shouted “J! I found your Ga Tech ornament!!”  It was at that moment that the little metal hood that had steadfastly secured this little gold ball to nearly 20 different Christmas trees finally gave way.  As if in slow motion, I watched in horror as the much loved gold and black ball with the cute picture of Buzz on the side hit the hard wood floor and shattered into a million pieces. In disbelief, I realized I stood holding nothing but the top of that little metal hook.  My glorious shout of victory upon finding it was immediately followed up by an incredulous shout of “J! I broke your Ga Tech ornament!”  He told me later he thought I was kidding him.  Sadly, I was not.  

Is there a lesson here, you ask?  Well, yes dear reader! There is always a lesson!  I guess you could say I had become somewhat complacent about my ornaments.  I had not really looked at them, checked them over for damage or weakness in, well, ever! So it completely caught me off guard when it broke.  I am reminded of the scripture that says “Be careful when you think you stand, lest you fall”.  I had assumed the little gold hook would continue to hold the same as it always had, and therein I made my mistake – I assumed.
One thing I have learned, is the danger of assumptions.  We can get into trouble when we assume the Lord is telling us to ______________________, (fill in the blank) just because our friends or family members are doing it. It could be working in the nursery at church or teaching a Sunday school class, singing in the choir, reading that popular book, shaving the cat, taking underwater basket weaving, bull-fighting, mud wrestling or belly-dancing.  (is it just me, or did that list somehow go waaaay off track???)  Here’s the deal, even good deeds done for the wrong reasons become bad.  There is a verse in Ephesians 2:10  For we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Pay attention to the last little bit of the verse – “God prepared in advance for US to do”.  That is a personal thing, that’s not really a royal “us” there.  God has a plan for each one of us that includes certain tasks for us to do.  What do you think happens when we decide to take on something the Lord does not mean for us to attempt?  Sure, in our natural giftings we can manage to achieve some success at times, but at what cost?  If we are doing something not mean for us, that means it is meant for someone else.  If we are doing it, that means they are not doing it.  (I know that’s a difficult concept for some, but stick with me here)  If they are not doing what the Lord means for them to do, they are not learning the lessons the Lord had for them to learn as they completed that task, whatever it may be. So while we may be fulfilling our need to be Susie Spiritual, we are robbing a brother or sister of a blessing from the Lord.  Just because we can do something, doesn’t mean that we should. The Lord is pleased with a heart that desires to serve others, but let’s make sure that as we are busy working for him, that we are not simply attempting to fill the places in our heart meant for relationship with him with that busyness.   It’s important to not assume that just because there is a need and you can, that you are the one meant to fill it.
Assumptions can get us into trouble.  They can take us places we were never meant to be and therefore don’t have the grace for.  In the coming year one of my goals is to stay on track a little better, to exercise my faith by listening for his voice.  Lately, the only exercise I seem to get is when I jump to conclusions and run off at the mouth! But I digress... I challenge you, my lovely friends, to be careful not to fall into the old routine, the usual way of doing things simply because it is the way you have always done them.  Are you assuming that is the way it will always be?  I gladly share with you a page from the book of insanity that is my life so you may be spared the lesson I learned.  Assume nothing! Ask the Lord to show you where he may be leading you in the new year, what new things he may have for you and what new lessons there are to be learned. But don’t be surprised when the Lord shows up and asks you to take on something new, something out of your comfort zone. And when you’re standing on the edge of that cliff and the Lord tell you to step on out into thin air, don’t assume that he’s going to catch you.  He may just be teaching you to fly. 

Until next time I’ll be here, checking my hooks and cleaning up shards of gold and black glass as the fragrance of evergreen, pizza rolls and nacho dip still linger on the air...

As always, I’m soaked in His blessings,

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