Monday, January 16, 2012

Starbucks, checklists, and a whole lot of "shoulds"

Sitting in my local coffee shop a few days ago, I indulged in one of my favorite not-so-nice habits; I eavesdropped on those around me.  I justify this by telling myself if they wanted privacy they shouldn't be sitting in public having that particular conversation.  Anyway, as I sat there straining to hear the ladies next to me minding my own business I couldn't help but over hear the 2 ladies sitting at the next table.  One lady remarked to the other "well, I just went ahead and read 7 whole chapters from the New Testament. That way, I can mark that off my list for the whole week".  Wow! 7 whole chapters at one time?!?  I was clearly sitting next to a spiritual giant. (sorry, let me wipe that up, I dripped sarcasm all over your keyboard....)  Ok, so I'll be nice.  It was good that this woman was taking time to read the word, but, of course, it made me stop and think. (I hate it when that happens!) 

How many times have I picked up my Bible, read a few chapters and thought "there, that takes care of that for now"?  How many times have I viewed time in the word or in prayer as something to be checked off the list until the next day instead of realizing time spent with my heavenly father is the source of my life?  I heard someone speak recently about the importance of obedience and I cannot argue with that, but I can say I have learned from experience it is not likely that I will be able to "will" myself to obey very often.  Obedience springs from a heart of relationship.  When I was a child, I obeyed my mother, not because I feared her or because of what I might gain from her if I did, but because I love her.  She will never know the things I did not do because I knew if I got caught she would be hurt.  I have learned recently it is the same with my heavenly parent as well.  When my heart is completely in love with him obedience flows naturally out of it. 

Look at it this way, as a mother of teenagers, parenting can be difficult.  Sure, I can take away privileges or find other ways to force obedience, but that obedience is shallow.  It never touches the heart.  It may make life a little more pleasant for me in the short run, but if their hearts are never touched, never changed, what have I really accomplished.  The Lord looks at it the same way.  If we are only practicing our "christianese" because of what we think it might get us, it gets us no where.  There is no currency that can buy the Lord's favor or His blessings, not even obedience.  Sure, God loves to bless us, especially when we obey, but not if that is our motive for obeying.  The word says "see ye first the kingdom of God".

Lets look at that word "seek".  Websters dictionary defines it as "to go in search of, or to try to discover".  This is not a static word, this is an active word.  If we are seeking the kingdom of God, it is an action that denotes intensity, not lackadaisical semi-participation.

What are we really seeking when we practice check list Christianity?  We are seeking to please ourselves.  We are seeking a way to numb the voice down inside that calls us to a closer, more personal relationship with the one who loved us before the foundations of the world.  We are trying to gain favor with God by going back again under the law that Christ came to free us from.  Yes, even Bible reading and prayer can become works of law if our hearts have the wrong motive.  Think of the pharisee the Lord spoke of who prayed so all could hear him.  Do you believe his prayer availed him much?   Do you think the motive of his heart was to come into a closer relationship with the father?   It would seem his purpose was to look good to those around him.  He could then travel on his way with his self-righteous knowledge that he had prayed in the temple so now God was pleased with him.  No! that's not how it works.

There is nothing we can do and nothing we can say that will gain us more or less of the love of God than we already have.  As his children we are righteous and holy in his sight.  Does that mean we just go out and live anyway we want to? NO! That means, as we develop our relationship with Him our hearts are changed and as our hearts are changed so our lives, inside and out, are changed.  If we want to obey because we love him that is a far cry from trying to make ourselves obey so we can be good enough to enter his presence.  The Lord is grieved by this attitude.  We need to do nothing to be granted entrance into his presence except believe on Him.   He longs for us to be close.  The word says "He sings over us".  Does that sound like a God who is watching to see if you're good enough to come close? 

My goal this week is going to be to tear up my check list, to throw out all of the "shoulds" I saddle myself with and simply walk with the knowledge that I am loved, I am desired, I am cherished by the God of all the universe.  If you can ever really get a hold of that concept it is so freeing!  As we walk closer and closer with Him our hearts are changed and so our lives are changed.  That is the key.

So next time you're in the neighborhood of Starbucks drop on in.  I might be there, but I can't promise I won't be listening in. So be careful what you say, you may see it in print one day!!! 

Soaked in His blessings,