Sunday, June 12, 2011

Misbehaving Women and Polite Stones

Recently J and  I found ourselves in Blowing Rock North Carolina.  It's called Blowing Rock because there is a rock there that does seem, occasionally, to blow at you.  Maybe I should explain.  Up in the mountains of NC, just outside of town, is a rock formation with an entire park built around it.  It is said, if you throw something off the top of the rock, which juts out over a drop of a couple hundred feet, the wind will blow it right back to you, kind of like a gentleman returning a lady's dropped hanky! lol Maybe it was out of order that day, but it didn't work for us, but people swore to us that it did, indeed happen at times.  We have been living here for almost a year now (wow! I can hardly believe that!) and there are so many places we have been unable to go see yet.  This was one such place.  So, when the in laws were in town for Easter we decided to make the trip over there. The problem was, no one informed the weather just what our plans were and it was miserable!  It rained, it was cold, and the fog was so thick you couldn't see the end of the van we were driving!  So, in the end, I think it was beautiful up in the mountains, but I really don't know as I couldn't actually see anything!

My favorite thing I brought back with me from our trip was, believe it or not, a bumper sticker.  It had the startling saying "women who behave seldom make history" emblazoned on it. I just love that!  I bought one for a good friend of mine whom I knew would appreciate it.  We all need one good friend who understands us.  Anyway, I have been pondering that saying lately (yes, I know I need to get a life!).  History is full of women who made a difference, who furthered the cause of justice, or saw growth in the kingdom of God simply by misbehaving.  Think of Rosa Parks.  You could say she was a misbehaving woman.  She certainly didn't obey the rules of where she was supposed to sit on that bus and look at the impact it ended up having.  There were so many nameless, faceless women who resisted obedience to the laws of the day in order to enact change during the women's suffrage movement.  The word of God is full of examples of misbehaving women.  Think of Rahab the harlot. She disobeyed and hid the spies  from Israel and in return she and her house were spared, and we know her story, she made history.  Let's don't forget about Queen Esther.  She broke the law when approaching the king without being first summoned, it didn't matter that she was his wife.  He could have, within the law, had her killed for that act alone. Yet, she bravely disobeyed that law and in the end saved the nation of Israel.  In the New Testament we find the story of the woman with the issue of blood.  She was considered unclean and therefore was not to be in the company of other people.  If she did venture out, she was required to walk along shouting "unclean, unclean!" By pressing in through the crowds and quietly touching the hem of his garment she broke Levitical law, but by breaking that law she received her healing.   Sometimes it's not an act that is against the law but against the accepted culture of the time.   Look at the harlot who interrupted Jesus with a group of men in order to break open an alabaster box and anoint his feet, wash them with her tears and dry them with her hair.  That was a great big 'no-no' that had tongues flapping and the town buzzing, but she walked away with the gift of forgiveness.

There are many times in our lives where, in order to get something we want, we have to go against the flow, against what is considered acceptable.  Sometimes the Lord will ask us to step out in faith and do something that will set a few tongues a wagging. Don't stop to listen to wagging tongues. Step out onto nothing and you will find it become solid beneath your feet. 

So step out, take a risk, don't be afraid to do the unacceptable, the dangerous, the unexpected, the taboo if that is where the Lord is leading you.  You won't be disappointed. He won't leave you hanging out to dry.  Trust Him and go misbehave and make history!

Until then I'll be here checking the weather and hoping for another trip to the rock that huffs and puffs!

Soaked in His blessings,

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