Saturday, April 30, 2011

If I have 2 heads do I get charged twice when I get a haircut??

I read a story recently that was a little shocking to me.  It concerned a wee little lamb born way across the world in the region of Georgia ( the one near Russia, not the one near Alabama!).  The mama sheep never let on that anything was different about this pregnancy compared to the other times she had given birth.  Of course, I don't know what I would have expected this mama sheep to do.  It's not like she had regular visits with her sheep ob-gyn.  She didn't go in once a month to listen to the little lamb heartbeat and get her prenatal vitamins.  She didn't paint the nursery stall pink or blue and have a little baby lamb shower with all her other pregnant sheep friends.  Nope, she just went about her day, eating her sheep hay, drinking her sheep water, wandering her sheep fields, listening to her shepherd sing himself to sleep at night.  All the while, a terrible thing was happening inside her little sheep uterus!  The big day arrived!  Time for the long awaited appearance of her little lamb! Ok, so she first got a little anxious, paced around a bit, breathed heavy, grunted, groaned and then attempted to drop the little bugger right on the grass in the back corner of the pasture.  Imagine the surprise of the shepherd when, after coming to her aid, he pulled from her nether regions a wee little lamb with not one head, but two!  That's right, you read it right here first, folks!  Two heads!  I know! Nasty! Right?!  Who knew such a thing could happen?!  It seems this little critter had two mouths, four eyes (no, not glasses! lol) two noses, two tongues, sort of two throats, but only one stomach and only four legs.  Weird, right?  Who would have thought I would ever have reason to write the phrase "only four legs" about a single little lamb!? lol  Stop and think about what kind of life that little sheep could have.  Imagine how confused it could get.  Head A wants to go right while head B would rather go left.  Head A thinks it's time for a nap, but head B wants to go do the frolic think sheep are so famous for.  It would pretty much be a mexican standoff.  No winner there, folks.  I guess little duo-head gets to stand in the middle of the barn yard and argue with itself.  I thought I'd been beside myself  before! lol

Of course, my uniquely twisted brain saw a distinct parallel in my world.  How many times have we explained our lack of ability or willingness to make a decision with "part of me wants to do "A" and part of me wants to do "B""?  I have caught myself having long drawn out discussions with myself as I try to work out some problem or the other.   We see it when we attempt to drop those few pesky pounds that won't let go.  Part of us wants to be thin and healthy and part of us just wants that chocolate cheesecake!  I have seen double mindedness in many parts of my life.  The word of God has something to say on the issue too in James 1:6-8

 6But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
 7For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
 8A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Just like little double noggin we talked about earlier, we will find it difficult to make any real progress if we can't make up our mind/minds just where we are headed.  If we spend Sunday walking after the Lord and Monday running after the world, only to turn towards God again on Tuesday and so forth and so on, we won't ever make any real progress.  Jesus has some choice words on being double minded as well in Luke 9:61-62

61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”  62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

I don't believe the Lord was being unduly harsh with this young man.  I think he saw what was really behind his request.  This gentleman had not really let go of the things of life in the way it was required if you were going to be a follower of Christ in that day.  He was double minded.  Part of him wanted to give his all and follow, but part of him wanted to go back for just one more word with his family.  He had two heads about the issue.   One head wanted to go one way and one head wanted to go the other.  He was unstable.  

I believe being split skulled is an epidemic in the church today.  We are comfortable in church as long as we are not asked to give up what we want or to make any real sacrifices.  We want to hold on to God and His blessings while holding on to what the world can offer us as well.  I'm not picking on anyone, here.  I will be the first to admit I have been living in this trap for far too long.  I have been standing in the middle of the barnyard with one head pointed towards the Lord and the other head pointed towards the manure pile and getting nowhere fast!  It's time to live with abandon!  It's time to shed the second head so many of us sport and run, unhindered towards God!  

I want to be single minded in my pursuit of the Lord.  I may have grown a second head, but I wasn't born with one!  I was born a daughter of the king of kings and I will no longer allow any such deformity to slow me down in my quest to abide in Him.  I challenge you today to take a good look in the mirror.  How many eyes do you see looking back at you?  When you talk/pray do you hear someone, seemingly near by,  prattling along distracting you?  You may find you, also, have a case of multi-brainism!   There's only one thing to do!  Follow what it says in Hebrews 12:1

1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders (like that second head!) and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,

Run!  Run after Him, but run with focus, with singleness of mind and heart.  Otherwise you may find yourself running in circles!

Just think of all you'll save on haircuts, and hairspray, and hair color, and barretts and.............

Soaked in His blessings,

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