As a rule, most of us are concerned with little things, you know, things like getting a good parking spot, like the library having that book you’ve been looking for, your favorite dish getting dropped but not broken, catching that red light when you’re running just a little bit late. I’ve got news for you; God is also concerned with the little things. Everything that comes into our life must first pass through His hands. I know most of us have heard that multiple times, but have we ever stopped to really ponder that? Everything means everything. Of course, since I’m His favorite person ever, I have personal experience with this notion. Let me tell you a story…….
Quite a few years ago, when my children were young, we found ourselves in a common situation. The Commander had just finished college and was working at his first job as an engineer. Financially, things were really tough and we were counting every penny. Raising 4 young boys is not easy under any circumstances, but we were finding it particularly difficult.
I was attending a women’s conference at our church while The Commander was busy with other things. Childcare had been provided at the conference, so the boys were all with me. I really don’t remember much about the meetings, but I do remember, at the end of our time together they took up an offering for the teenagers who had spent most of the day caring for the many children that were there. I knew I needed one dollar for my oldest son’s lunch money Monday. I opened my wallet and found 5 one dollar bills. I pulled 4 of them our and prepared to put them in the offering. As I did, I heard the Lord speak very clearly to me to put all 5 in the offering. I’m glad no one around me could hear the ensuing internal argument that took place. I reminded God again that I needed one of those for The Viking’s lunch money but the Lord was relentless. I was to put all 5 in the offering. I said to God “what? Are you going to make the extra dollar just fall from the sky????” Nevertheless, I put all 5 in the basket as it came by, but I did so grudgingly.
The next day was Sunday. Following church the Commander took the boys outside to wear them out so we could get some peace, while I stayed inside to worry about how I was going to feed my kid the next day. I had not told my husband I no longer had the dollar we would need. I stepped out onto the front porch to call in the men folk for dinner. It had been breezy all day and still was quite windy. As I looked out into the yard something caught my eye. The wind was carrying something aloft on the breeze. Right as whatever it was approached me, the wind calmed and it fluttered down and landed right at my feet. Imagine my shock and surprise when I looked down and saw a crisp, new one dollar bill laying right on my porch. My first reaction was to laugh in amazement, but followed quickly on the heels of that was a little chagrin. In my doubt and grudging obedience, I underestimated just what my God is capable of.
I have sometimes wondered, whenever I think of this story, just what God might have done if I had only believed. He took my unbelief and made the sky rain down money. Imagine what He might have done if I had only trusted! I missed out on an opportunity to believe.
How many times have we hindered God with our unbelief? In the word we find the story of a man who also struggled with unbelief. In Mark 9 we read of a meeting between him and Jesus. The man utters the words so many have heard so many times. “Lord, I believe! Help thou my unbelief!” What humble words of self-examination! God knows, when challenged with a situation that seems too big, we are often swamped with rampant unbelief. I believe it frees God to work with us, and in us, when we are humble enough to come before Him with transparency of heart and speak out what we find in the depths there.
I want all that God has for me, every blessing, every challenge, every opportunity for growth. I don’t want to ever again feel what I felt on that sunny afternoon when God made money fall from the sky. I don’t want to miss another chance to believe, or if I can’t quite believe, bring my unbelief to Him. It is true the Lord can do anything, but He loves to work for both a faith filled heart, and a humble, honest heart.
Take time today to look up, to believe, to be transparent. It’s my goal to live in faith, and when that’s not possible, to be open about where I am. So look around today, seek out chances to put your faith into action. You won’t be disappointed. That’s what I’ll be doing. If you come by, you’ll see me out in the front yard. I’ll be the one looking up and holding a butterfly net!
Soaked in His blessings,
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