Good morning, yall!
Has anyone noticed it's getting really cold around here? I don't know about where you are, but here in North Carolina it's just this side of arctic, and that's saying something coming from an honorary Wyominite!
We had a dusting of snow here this weekend. It was really nice. It turned everything all soft and pretty, you couldn't even see all the yard work the commander didn't have time to do! Now if only I could get a deep snow fall inside my house to cover up all the house work I didn't get done!
Have you guys noticed it's Christmas time? We had a visit from Eddie the Christmas Elf Saturday night. Scamp wrote his letter to Santa and Eddie came and picked it up while we all slept. Of course, we had to leave him some cookies. Elves get hungry too, you know. Apparently they get tired too because it appears he also took a little nap on the sofa. Scamp was appropriately impressed by all this. Unfortunately, he now believes Santa will be bringing EVERYTHING on his list. Wow! Seems a shame to dissolution him so young. I may need to have the "Santa has been a victim of the recession" talk with him. Gone are the days when a hand full of cheap toys from the dollar store was a Christmas wonder land! Now it's all about the electronics. When did kids get so expensive? This whole "sacrifice for the kids till you're broke" thing was not in the brochure!
This time of year also brings about the necessary corporate Christmas parties. This year the Commander's company is putting on a big one with a James Bond theme. WHAT???? How do we get James Bond out of Christmas?? Is there a James Bond Christmas special that I'm forgetting about? Does Jimmy dress up in red and say "I'm Clause, Santa Clause" or "I'll have my cocoa shaken, not stirred"?? What does one wear to a James Bond theme corporate Christmas party? gold paint? bell bottoms? a fedora that acts as a sharp, spinny disc thingy? I am at a loss. I refuse to wear a dress as I've already done that this year and once a year is just about my limit. Getting panty hose on this body is not a feat taken lightly and requires several days rest before and after.
If anybody has any ideas about my attire for the upcoming shin dig please share. Hopefully it will be one of those parties where the lights and really low and everyone else is drinking heavily. That way, even if someone gets a good look at me they won't remember it the next morning! Better yet, I could just stay home and tell everyone I was there. They'd never know the difference! No, I'll go and be the corporate wife. I'll smile and try to keep my mouth shut. You never know what I'm gonna say and I don't want to get my husband fired! lol
I guess I'll either paint my finger gold, or change my last name to Jones and decorate my hair with Christmas tree ornaments. Anyone get the reference????? Anyone???
Soaked in His blessings,
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