There was a huge dinner at church last night. Every year my new church does a Holiday Gala. It's a big fancy dinner for women only. Not long after I arrived I was asked if I would like to be a table hostess. Of course, I said yes. I had no idea what all that would entail. It seems a table hostess is responsible for EVERYTHING on the table except the food. (it was catered by a really nice place here in town) I realized, when I found this out, I didn't actually have matching place settings for eight. In fact, I had nothing! So, I had to get the dishes, the stemware, the flatware, the napkins, chargers and the center piece! It was a little more than I was expecting, but, oh, so worth the expense! My table turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself!
The entertainment was amazing, too. Adoration, a three woman group performed. The harmonies were wonderful! More than the beautiful settings, the great food, the amazing entertainment, it was phenomenal for another reason; the women there.
If you have read many of the postings on my blog, you know I was less than overjoyed at the prospect of relocating here. In fact, it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. It was done, simply, out of obedience to God. I knew He was sending us here. I knew, because He loves me, it would eventually be a good thing for us. Eventually has arrived. I am not so foolish as to think there will be no hard times, no difficult times, no trials to go through, fiery or otherwise. But, I am now surrounded by friends. I am amazed at how many people I have made real connections with.
So, while I still miss friends and family in the wonderful peach state, I, almost (don't tell my kids!) have a life! Will miracles never cease?!?!
Next time you're in the area look me up. I can't promise I'll be home, but if I am, we can have a sit, have a cup and get caught up on God's goodness! I have come to the startling realization, that despite my best efforts, North Carolina is now my home.
I'm gonna go now, I've got places to go and people to see!
Soaked in His blessings,
So happy for you - still a little bittersweet, seeing as we miss you guys so much, but the joy on your end makes up for it! God is faithful!!