I haven't written much lately. I'm not sure why. The brothers are back in school and the house is mine for a few quiet, albeit short, hours a day. I find myself in a bit of a funk, at a crossroads if you will. I'm adrift in that transitional place where the excitement of the move has worn off, but life is not yet as it will be in, say, 6 months from now. You know, when I will once again be surrounded by so many devoted fans, uh, I mean friends. The place where my social calendar is always full and I have to draw names from a hat to try to figure out which invitation to accept less I offend one of the many people clamoring for my attention. Ok, I'm awake now, what I mean to say is when I have a friend I can go have coffee with!
This is a season of change in my family's life and in my life personally. You know the saying, "change is good", well, thats relative.
The brothers started school yesterday. I admit, when they left, I cried. I don't know why, I guess I just missed them. Monkey Boy seemed so small standing there at the bus stop all by himself. I had to drive him to it as there was a mix-up and the closest bus stop to our house is almost a mile away! Then, when I was returning to the house I passed Surfer Boy and Mumbles at their stop. There were about 15 kids out there with them, but they were standing off to themselves talking to each other. No one was paying any attention to them. Now, before you start feeling sorry for them, please remember who we're talking about. They were probably standing there quietly making fun of those surrounding them, thereby rendering them with no time to actually talk to those same kids. My boys are nothing if not predictable. I know how their safety methods work; pretend to not want to make friends with anyone so if no one likes you it's all good. So, saying all this, I also have to admit they were not even in the house this afternoon before I was supremely annoyed by them! They are under the false belief that as soon as the doorbell is rung I magically am teleported to the front door to open it for them. Ain't happening.
Being the first day of school I decided to make homemade chocolate marshmallow cookies for them. It was a new recipe, but it looked so good, and so it was, at least I thought it was. Out of the four brothers, one loved them (but he'll eat anything sweet, so he doesn't count!) one said they were good, but that he "would finish eating it a little later", one said they were just "ok" and one said they were too chocolatey. Is that even possible? I've never heard of anything having "too much" chocolate. That's like saying "I'm too thin, too rich, and my house is too clean". It just can't happen in truth!

No great spiritual insights today. I'm just here in the trenches, slogging it out, trying to keep my head down so I don't get shot and keep the laundry up while I'm doing it. I heard someone say once that as a Christian woman, how we ran our home was a direct reflection on God. I kind of hope that's not true, because if God were here, he probably wouldn't have anything to wear tomorrow either!
Running around crazy today; doctor appointments, errands, laundry, and cooking. I'm already tired! This writers block, like all blocks, will pass, hopefully soon. Until then you're stuck with the mundane happenings of my everyday life and the lives of my kids.
Quote of the day: Laundry today, or naked tomorrow! gotta love truth when you see it!
Gotta run, I'm out of Tide and these trenches get really muddy!
Soaked in His blessings,
Ok - so, love the post - but just for the record, my beautiful grandsons are sweet, precious and always polite and gracious. And oh, did I mention likeable, loveable and gorgeous? Insane ramblings from a grandma's prespective. :-)