Monday, August 2, 2010

Inane ramblings

I still can't find our coffee maker! The folks are coming for a couple of days and I only have a 4 cup coffee maker. This could, most definitely, get ugly! Does anyone know if Starbucks delivers??

We'll be playing fruit basket turn over with the beds as well. It's times like this I really miss having a guest room!

What to do with a whiny 5 yr old? It seems Scamp is in love with the used PS2 that I bought him before leaving Georgia. The only problem is, the games he loves for it are just a little over his head. This results in hearing, 3,000 times a day; "Monkey Boy won't help me! I need help!" Of course, this is delivered at the very top of his lungs in the most whiny voice he is capable of. I think I am the one who will soon need help, of the mental kind. School cannot start soon enough!

Our 3-legged terrier may also be in need of a doggy therapist. While in Ga she had a terrible habit of standing in the middle of the pond barking at the fish. All. Day. Long! Keep in mind these were the same fish that had been in the same pond since the day we had moved in 6 years prior. Since there is no pond and no fish here in NC she has developed a new neurosis. While we are awaiting the completion of our fence Leggo is on a running line but she will only use a third of it. When she gets to the tree about about 10 feet down the line she just stops. She won't go past it for some reason. She sits and barks, but not at fish now, but at the squirrels just beyond her reach as they scamper up and down the trees. Of course, if she would go past the tree she could chase the little fuzzy devils till her heart was content, but noooooo, she just sits by the tree and barks!

What has my life come to that I ponder the actions of a small 3-legged dog with such intensity?

Speaking of random ponderings, I had one last night. It was painful, but I came home and took an asprin and laid down for a while. As we were passing KFC I noticed the sign not only said "KFC", but also said "Kentucky Fried Chicken". Now, my question would be; How can it be "Kentucky" fried chicken if it's in North Carolina? Shouldn't it be "North Carolina Fried Chicken"? Of course, the most important question would be; Why am I so confused by things such as this??? I really need a hobby! It's almost as bad as a restaurants advertising "home cooking". This really confusing to me. Does that mean the cook actually lives at the restaurant thereby making it his home or does he only live close by so he can cook the food at his home then bring it to you? Where is the truth in advertising these days???

I have to go now, I have to go learn to play the PS2 so I can help the 5yr old defeat the final boss. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


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