Imagine, if you will, a quiet afternoon. The rain is falling softly outside my window. I tucked in at my desk with a nice up of coffee and my schoolwork. I can hear my music playing quietly and one of my boys stirring around in the kitchen. My house is actually in a state of being fairly neat and tidy, if only because we had guests over this past weekend for the superbowl and the boys haven't had quite enough time to destroy it yet. The overall picture is one of contentment and peace. If you know me, at all, you know it wasn't meant to last....
As I sat at my desk delving into the wonders of the different methods of behavioral research (insert sarcasm here! ugh!), I was jarred from my peaceful contemplation by a sound that everyone who has ever owned an animal or a small child knows well. (yes, I realize you cant own a small child. don't write me letters...) It was the sound that usually comes in the middle of the night and makes you reach for your slippers before putting your feet on the floor. It is the sound made when something has been ingested that a small tummy somewhere is not too happy about.
Those of you who have spent time here, in the scary alleyways of my brain, are aware of some of the many animals I share my home with. (no, I'm actually not including my children in that statement!) This time I'm referring to the four-legged, furry ones. This time, it was Koko, the once stray now dearly loved grey tabby that routinely makes my life crazy. It is from the devil, the sound! Not Koko! (though some of the sounds and smells that come wafting from the general vicinity of the little box most definitely have their origins somewhere in the nether regions, but that's for another post) I first heard it coming from the kitchen region, then just a few seconds later, from the hallway area, very shortly after that, he hit the dining room. I refused to even get up and move that direction until the sounds ceased. I had to hear them and I had to deal with the outcome, I didn't want to see it action! Right about that time, Monkey boy came back down the stairs and announced to the world what the sounds had already told me. Then, my luck changed. Monkey Boy said "eewww! he's choking on a bunch of lunch meat!" Lunch meat??? Where did the cat get lunch meant??? Did he grow a couple opposable thumbs and can open the refrigerator? Nope, there was no evidence of evolution at work here. It was simply a case of Monkey Boy making a sandwich and then running upstairs to get something and leaving aforementioned cat luring culinary delights unattended on the counter. Once I got over my irritation about the fact that the cat was on my kitchen counter I realized I was off the hook for the clean up. Monkey Boy is the one that caused the mess so he was the one that got to clean it up. (score one for me)
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The point is, there are many things we have, peace, contentment, joy, health, relationships, but mostly our heart, that deserve to be guarded. The word tells us in 1Peter 5:8 that we have an adversary who prowls around as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. That is one reason why the Lord instructs us in Proverbs 4:23 that we should "above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." We have been given wonderful gifts from the Lord, gifts of abundant life, joy, peace, so many things flow from his heart to ours. It is important for us to consciously guard against the enemy who would love nothing more than to sneak in and devour. Monkey Boy made his mistake by leaving his sandwich unattended, or unguarded and Koko devoured it. What followed was a mess of epic proportions but he learned to be aware of the domesticated lion-ett who roams our house seeking what he may devour!
This week, I would challenge you, my dear reader to be aware of the lion-etts in your life. Make an intentional effort to guard your heart from those who would devour it with strife, gossip, bitterness, anger, or a multitude of other unnecessary and unpleasant things. Become aware of what's in there. It's hard to guard something you don't know, now isn't it? Let the Lord show you where your weaknesses are, where the wounds that weaken your heart are. That is where the enemy is going to target you, in your weaker areas, but in your weakness He is made strong. So dust off that armor and take a stand in defense of your heart.......and your lunch. Because a point could be made for the importance of them both!
Until next time, I'll be here chasing kids, herding cats and buying more lunch meat!
Soaked in His blessings,
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