Hello Monday. I haven't seen you in a week or so and I must say our time apart has been pleasant for me. No offense, it just seems you always have more on your schedule for me to do than is humanly possible. I don't mean to be rude, but it may be time for us to see other people. I'm just saying......
What a busy weekend it was! I'm sure this has contributed to my dislike of today. I didn't get to sleep in Saturday and my Sunday afternoon nap was less than stellar. Add to both of those the fact that I didn't bed down last night till sometime this morning and you have a recipe for a very grouchy mom. On the up side, I was up so late last night because I was reading a book I simply couldn't put down. You may have heard of it. "The Shack". I only have one thing to say.... AMAZING! If you haven't read it, get up from your computer, get in your car, drive to your closest store and buy it! You won't be disappointed.
How did it get to be Tuesday already?? I was just resting my eyes and, BAM! It's Tuesday! This week is not progressing the way I had intended it to. I am without a vehicle, carless, non-transportation endowed, walking, hoofing it, on foot, sans carriage, you get the picture. I can't go nowhere! WAHHH! It seems J's beloved truck has serious issues. They told us at the shop it would take way more to fix it than it's worth. Undaunted, J found someone else to take a look at it in the hopes they can work a miracle. I. Am. So. Over. It. Buy a new one, already! I am trying to be patient, but I must admit, I do not understand men and their attachment to their vehicles. After 11 years, you would think he would have had enough of it. I say it's time to give it a proper burial and go looking for a new mistress, uhhh, I mean truck.
How many times have we held on to something we loved refusing to let God give us something better? Just like that old truck, I have things in my life that have been there for years, not so nice things, things that don't work too well for me, things that aren't all that pretty to look at. Yet, I am comfortable with them, they are known to me. I know how they handle on the curves and how much gas they use, they are simply a part of the fabric of my life. However true all this may be, if I will trust God, he has something infinitely better. My goal will be to re-examine my life to see what else I have been holding on to while God has been holding something else, so much better, out to me. Am I driving around in a spiritual rattle-trap when I could be buzzing through life in a sweet little ride? Am I holding on to something that simply guzzles fuel and costs me an arm and a leg to work with simply because I am familiar with it? Things once useful sometimes reach the end of that usefulness and it's time to let go. Are you still serving on that committee just because you have always done it? Are you still teaching that class, singing in the choir, being a part of that ministry team simply because you are comfortable with it? Once again my message is move on! Step out! Try something new! You might just be surprised what God has for you. It's hard to receive something when your hands are full of something else already. So, empty your hands. Then wait and see what God gives you back.
Don't be afraid of change, sometimes it's hard, but, when it comes from our heavenly Father, it's always good. Meanwhile, I'll be here. Of course I'll be here, I can't go anywhere else till J brings my car back! So if you see me walking down the street, have pity and pick me up. I'm too old to be hoofing it!
Soaked in His blessings,
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