Next, I wanted to say Happy Anniversary to my Nanny and Grandaddy. Today, they are married 71 years! This is the first time they've been together for their anniversary in 11 years. If they have cake in heaven (and, of course, they do, it's heaven!) I hope they share a great big piece. I miss you guys!!
Yesterday was an interesting, fun filled day. I heard someone say "a good day is a day one in which you acquire knowledge". If that is the case, then yesterday was, indeed, a good day. I learned several things. I learned, if you let a white dog outside when it's raining, you will have a black dog that returns to your clean floor as, apparently, fresh, black, soil is irresistible if you are of the canine persuasion. Consequently, I also learned my groomer is booked on Fridays.
I also learned that if you discover a 6 yr old has taken the Leapster game into his bed without your knowledge he will still be awake at 11 pm and be very grumpy the next morning. So grumpy, in fact, I contemplated pinching his head off, hiding the body, and telling God I lost him. Never fear, he survived to grump another day and I avoided a felony sentence.
I think the most important lesson I learned, though, was centered in my kitchen. I spent hours cleaning. Those of you who have been
How did I react to this unexpected geyser of sticky, sweetness, you ask? I laughed. That's really all you could do, was laugh. But, as usual, I learned a lesson. (one other than don't sit soda that close to the edge of the counter!) You see, it was in his excitement over the purchase of his favorite cheesy dip of goodness that Surfer Boy knocked the soda off the counter thereby causing the mess and earning the name "soda
I wonder if our attitude can spark the same reaction from the Lord. I believe it can. When we bring a mess to him and say "this is my mess, I made it, it's my fault, what can I do to fix it" something in God's heart is touched. He moves in, provides us the answers we need, cleans us and our mess right up and sets us back on the right path. We may still have to endure some consequences, but we are graced and He walks right through them with us. Don't hesitate today to take your "mess" to the Lord with the right attitude. He lavishes us with his grace and his goodness!
Surfer Boy didn't get into any trouble. He'd made a mistake and took the necessary steps to fix it. While I did help him clean up a little, he did most of it himself. He received some mercy from me, but, I'm not God so he was on his own when it came to cleaning the ceiling!
Till next time, I'll be here chugging away, chasing boys and dogs while trying to keep things in order and keep my sanity. On the upside, I discovered a new perfume; Ode to Dr Pepper. It could catch on.....
Soaked in His blessings,